Vitamin – A Deficiency: Green Solutions Vs Golden Rice (Not in Stock)


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Vitamin-A deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world, particularly in India. It is second only to nutritional anemia (iron deficiency). Vitamin – A, which is abundantly available in green and yellow vegetables, red and orange fruits, flowers, juices, red palm oil, etc., whose deficiency is the primary cause of blindness.

The present crisis involving Golden Rice, which is being promoted as the magic potion for elimination of Vitamin-A deficiency is surrounded by lots of myths and little reality. At present, about millions of people around the globe are said to be suffering from Vitamin-A deficiency, a condition that is only going to get worsened if everybody switched to this genetically engineered ‘Golden Rice’, that is not only going to burn a hole in their pockets,but also will not meet their Vitamin-A requirement.And the irony is that the primary victims of Vitamin-A deficiency are the poor, who would thus not be able to purchase it in any case.

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Vandana Shiva & Upasana Singh

Year of Publication





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